Write the steps of Inter-MSC movement of location update procedure.

Subject: Mobile Computing

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 4 Marks

1 Answer

In this case, two LAs belong to different MSCs of the same VLR. The location update procedure is as follows:

Steps 1 and 2:

  • The location update request is sent from the MS to the VLR

Step 3:

  • VLR updates the LAI and the MSC fields of VLR record, and derives the HLR address of the MS from the MS‘s IMSI
  • VLR sends the MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION message to the HLR. It gives the following details

    • IMSI of the MS
    • Address of the target MSC (i.e., MSC2)
    • Address of the target VLR (i.e., VLR1)

Step 4:

  • HLR identifies the MS‘s record by using the received IMSI
  • MSC number field is updated
  • An acknowledgment is sent to the VLR
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