Define schedule .

Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 3 > Database Management System

Marks: 2 M

Year: Dec 2014

1 Answer

A sequences of instructions that specify the chronological order in which instructions of concurrent transactions are executed.

A schedule for a set of transactions must consist of all instructions of those transactions. It must preserve the order in which the instructions appear in each individual transaction. A transaction that successfully completes its execution will have a commit instructions as the last statement (will be omitted if it is obvious). A transaction that fails to successfully complete its execution will have an abort instructions as the last statement (will be omitted if it is obvious).


  • Let T1 transfer $50 from A to B, and T2 transfer 10% of the balance from A to B.
  • A serial schedule in which T1 is followed by T2:

enter image description here

  • A schedule is serial schedule where instructions belonging to one transaction appear together.
  • For a set of n transaction, there exist n! different valid serial schedules.
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