State different handoff strategies used in analog generation and second generation.

Subject: Mobile Computing

Difficulty: Medium

Marks: 4 Marks

1 Answer

Handoff: A handoff refers to the process of transferring an active call or data session from one cell in a cellular network to another or from one channel in a cell to another. A well implemented handoff is important for delivering uninterrupted service to a caller or data session user.

Handoffs may be classified into two types:

1.Hard Handoff: Characterized by an actual break in the connection while switching from one cell or base station to another. The switch takes place so quickly that it can hardly be noticed by the user. Because only one channel is needed to serve a system designed for hard handoffs, it is the more affordable option. It is also sufficient for services that can allow slight delays, such as mobile broadband Internet.

2.Soft Handoff: Entails two connections to the cell phone from two different base stations. This ensures that no break ensues during the handoff. Naturally, it is more costly than a hard handoff.

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