Construction Management Question Paper - May 18 - Civil Engineering (Semester 8) - Mumbai University (MU)
1 Answer

Construction Management - May 18

Civil Engineering (Semester 8)

Total marks: 80
Total time: 3 Hours
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

1.a. Following table shows the activities, their interdependence and the durations.

Activity A B C D E F G H
Preceding Activity -- A A B B C, E D, F C, E
Duration (days) 5 7 9 4 6 7 5 4

a) Draw a A-O-A network

b) Work out all activity times and floats

c) Identify the critical path and the project duration

(10 marks) 12278

1.b. Define, Construction Management & explain all functions of Construction Management.
(10 marks) 8055

2.a. A small project is composed of seven activities as given below:

Activity A B C D E F G
Preceding Activity ---- ---- A A, B C, D E C, D
to (days) 2 3 5 4 5 2 3
tm (days) 4 5 7 7 9 4 6
tp (days) 6 7 9 10 14 6 9
Z -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
P (%) 0.13 2.28 15.87 50 84.13 97.72 99.87

i) Draw project network

ii) Find expected duration, standard deviation and variance of all activities.

iii) Calculate the project duration corresponding to 75% probability?

iv) What is the probability that the project will be completed 3 weeks earlier than the expected date?

(12 marks) 12310

2.b. Explain the time estimates considered in PERT analysis?
(8 marks) 11073

3.a. The following table shows the details of activities of a small project. Calculate the optimum project cost & project duration. Indirect cost = Rs. 1500 / per day

Activity Predecessor Normal Normal Crash Crash
Time (days) Cost (Rs) Time (days) Cost (Rs)
A ---- 9 8000 6 9500
B ---- 5 5000 3 5500
C B 7 6500 4 10500
D A 6 7000 4 10000
E A 5 4500 3 7500
F D 9 5500 5 9000

(10 marks) 12280

3.b.i. Explain i) Quality control with its importance in construction projects.
(5 marks) 11062

3.b.ii. Explain ii) A-B-C analysis
(5 marks) 8101

4.a. Table below shows activities, their durations and labour requirements:

Activity Duration Labours
A (10-20) 4 3
B (10-30) 5 4
C (20-50) 7 2
D (30-40) 5 5
E (30-50) 4 3
F (40-50) 6 3

Draw Time scaled version network. Workout daily requirement of labours for all activities. Prepare histograms of EST & LST schedule. Which schedule you will prefer & why?

(12 marks) 12289

4.b. Explain functions of human resource management in detail.
(8 marks) 11081

5.a.i. Determine NPV of given cash flow stream of a project.Also comment whether project can be accepted or not? Rate of interest = 7 %.

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
Cash Flow (Rs) 2,00,000 50,000 60,000 60,000 70,000 75,000

(6 marks) 12313

5.a.ii. Explain Time value of money.
(4 marks) 8100

5.b. What is an accounting? Also explain generally accepted principles of accounting?
(10 marks) 12291

6. Write short note on (Any five) :

6.a. Network Rules
(4 marks) 8072

6.b. Mile stone Chart
(4 marks) 12314

6.c. Economic Order Quantity
(4 marks) 8087

6.d. Performance Evaluation of Worker
(4 marks) 12315

6.e. Application of Primavera
(4 marks) 11083

6.f. Sources of funds required for a project.
(4 marks) 12316

6.g. Safety campaign
(4 marks) 8119

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