written 2.8 years ago by |
Software verification and validation can reduce business costs and improve software performance. The core concept of validation is to prove that a system meets the requirements for its intended use. Done effectively, verification and validation accomplish more than because they affect the cost of system ownership and as such, are good for business. This result in accomplished through two primary verification and validation outcomes defect reduction and improved focus on the key purpose of the system.
First, costs are incurred each time a defect is addressed or a functional enhancement is implemented after the system is released to production. The cost of development, testing, documentation updates and validation can be high for even the smallest of software changes. A defect could also result in significant system unviability which could have wide spread negative business ramification second, and after overlooked, is that improved focus on the key purposes of the system significantly reduces the time required for resources to perform a particular business process. As noted above, properly designed and implement software can serve to multiply and improve the quality of the output of resources allocated to a particular business process. A well-though-out and implemented verification and validation plan is the vehicle to ensure the system is properly designed and implemented. Properly executed verification and validation activities affect both the areas described above in three ways:
They reduce the likelihood that a critical defect will be found in the primary utilization path of the software.
They ensure that user needs and intended uses are satisfied by the software system, so that the need for future system enhancements is reduced.
They allow system refinement to occur so that process optimization is approached and software functionality is leveraged as a work multiplier.
If you take into account that ongoing maintenance and use of a software system can account for 80 – 90% of its total cost of ownership, effective performance of verification and validation can significantly affect a company’s bottom line.
Verification activities such as technical reviews are an excellent way to ensure that a system’s design or configuration truly meets the intent of the requirements. There is often a gap between the individual who develops or configures a system and the individuals who knows how the system should work. One has the business knowledge, whereas the other has the technical knowledge. Discuss between these individuals help achieve the best technological solution to each particular business requirement. Communication also allows flaws to be detected and fixed before the software moves to production use.
Validating that a piece of software meets needs and intended uses ensures compliance applicable regulation’s but also can ensure that company’s critical business needs are met. Be sure to receive credit for all formal and informal verification and validation activities by documenting each for inclusion in the project documentation set.