G00 Rapid move
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G00 Rapid move

Rapid moves are used to move from point to point in free space, not cutting material. These moves do not require a feed rate input as they take place at max velocity of the machine. In absolute position mode (G90) X, Y and Z define the end point of the move in the user coordinate system. In incremental position mode (G91) X, Y and Z define the distance and direction to move from the current position.

Format: G00 X__ Y__ Z__

G01 Linear Feed Move

Linear feed moves are point to point moves in a straight line at a federate specified by F. The moves are interpolated so all axes in motion reach the end point at the same time. In absolute position mode (G90) X, Y and Z define the end point of the move in the user coordinate system. In incremental position mode (G91) X, Y and Z define the distance and direction to move from the current position.

Format: G01 X__ Y__ Z__ F__.

G02/G03 Arc Feed Move

Used to cut an arc at a federate specified by F. An arc is defined by its start and end points, its radius or center point, a direction, and a plane. Direction is determined by G02, clockwise, and G03, counterclockwise, when viewed from the plane’s positive direction.

To specify the radius, use R and input the actual radius of the desired arc. When an arc is created knowing only start and end points and a radius there are two possible solutions, an arc with a sweep less than 180° and one with sweep greater than 180°. The sign of the radius value, positive or negative, determines which arc will be cut. A positive value for R cuts an arc with sweep less than 180°. A negative value for R cuts an arc with sweep greater than 180°.

Format 1: G90 G02/G03 X__ Y__ R__ F__

Format 2: G91 G02/G03 X__ Y__ R__ F__

A more accurate and reliable way to define an arc is by specifying the center point, this is done with arguments I, J, and K. The center point must be defined in the current plane. I, J, and K correspond to X, Y, Z respectively; the current plane selection will determine which two are used. XY plane (G17) would use I and J for example. Mach has two settings for how I, J, and K should be specified, absolute and incremental. This setting can be changed by G code, G90. and G91. This setting is independent of the G90/G91 setting. If arc center mode is set to incremental then I, J, K are the distance and direction from the start point to the center point of the arc. If arc center mode is set to absolute then I, J, K are the absolute position of the arc center point in the current user coordinate system.

Format 3: G90 G02/G03 X__ Y__ I__ J__ F__

Format 4: G91 G02/G03 X__ Y__ I__ J__ F__


enter image description here

The above tool path can be programmed as follows (In absolute mode, G90):

Format 1

G01 X100 Y40 F125 ; G03 X80 Y60 I-20 ; G01 X60 ; G02 X40 Y40 I-20 ;


Format 3

G01 X100 Y40 F125 ; G03 X80 Y60 R20 ; G01 X60 ; G02 X40 Y40 R20 ;

The above tool path can be programmed as follows (In incremental mode, G91):

Format 2

G03 X-20 Y20 I-20 ; G01 X-20 ; G02 X-20 Y-20 I-20 ;


Format 4

G03 X-20 Y20 R20 ; G01 X-20 ; G02 X-20 Y-20 R20 ;

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