Calculating Static and Dynamic Test Points
1 Answer

Calculating Static Test Points:

The number of static test points for the system is calculated as $$ S T P=F P \times \Sigma Q C_{sw} / 500 $$


$STP$ = Static test point

$FP$ = Total function point assigned to the system

$Q C_{sw}$ = Quality characteristic factor, wherein weights are assigned to static quality characteristics

Static quality characteristic refers to what can be tested with a checklist. $Q C_{\text {sw }}$ is assigned the value 16 for each quality characteristic, which can be tested statically using the checklist.

$$ \text { Total test points }(T T P)=D T P+S T P $$

Calculating Dynamic Test Points:

The number of dynamic test points for each function in the system is calculated as $$ \begin{array}{c}{D T P=F P \times F D C_{w} \times Q C_{d w}}\end{array} $$


$D T P=$ Number of dynamic test points

$F P=$ Function point assigned to function

$F D C_{w}=$ Weight-assigned function-dependent factors

$Q C_{d w}=$ Quality characteristic factor, wherein weights are assigned to dynamic quality characterstic

$FDC_{w} $ is calculated as

$$F D C_{w}=\left(\left(F I_{w}+U I N_{w}+I+C\right) \div 20\right) \times U $$


$F I_{w}=$ Function importance rated by users

$U I N_{w}=$ Weights given to usage intensity of the function, that is, how frequently the function is being used.

$I=$ Weights given to the function for interfacing with other functions, that is, if there is a change in function, how many functions in the system will be affected

$C=$ Weights given to the complexity of function, that is, how many conditions are in the algorithm of function

$U=$ Uniformity factor

The ratings done for providing weights to each factor of $F D C_{w}$ can be seen in below table.

Ratings for $F D C_{w}$ factors

Factor/Rating Function Importance (FI) Function Usage Intensity (UIN) Interfacing (I) Complexity (C) Uniformity Factor
Low 3 2 2 3 0.6 For the function, wherein test specifications are largely reused such as in clone function or dummy function.Otherwise, it is 1
Normal 6 4 4 6 0.6 For the function, wherein test specifications are largely reused such as in clone function or dummy function.Otherwise, it is 1
High 12 12 8 12 0.6 For the function, wherein test specifications are largely reused such as in clone function or dummy function.Otherwise, it is 1

$Q C_{d w}$ is calculated based on four dynamic quality characteristics, namely suitability, security, usability, and efficiency. First, the rating to every quality characteristic is given and then, a weight to every $Q C$ is provided. Based on the rating and weights, $Q C_{d w}$ is calculated.

$$QC_{dw} = \sum \text{(rating of QC/4)} \times \text {weight factor of QC}$$

Rating and weights are provided based on the following characteristics, are shown in below table

Ratings and weights for $QC_{dw}$ factors

Characteristic/Rating Not Important (0) Relatively Unimportant (3) Medium Importance (4) Very Important (5) Extremely Important (6)
Suitability 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Security 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Usability 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Efficiency 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
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