written 5.4 years ago by |
The word „Samaritan‟ means a charitable or helpful person. In a way, the word itself defines the following qualities of a „Good Samaritan‟. 1. Philanthropy: A Good Samaritan always does something good for the welfare of others. 2. Selflessness: He/she helps others selflessly. They do not think about their trouble or even profit. 3. Devotion /Dedication: A good Samaritan is devoted to the work he /she does. In spite of odds, they perform their moral responsibilities with dedication. 4. Consistency: He/she has consistency in the work being done. Come what may, they will never compromise on their chosen work for a good cause. 5. Love and affection: A good Samaritan helps others and works for them out of the love and the affection they feel for them. The work is not done for the name sake. 6. Nurture: A good Samaritan nurtures the needy, the underprivileged just like parents. He/she truly cares for them.