Calculating Total Test Hours
1 Answer

Primary test hours is the estimation of primary testing activities. If we also include test planning and control activities, then we can calculate the total test hours.

$\text{Total test hours} =\text{PTH+ Planning and control allowance}$

Planning and control allowance is calculated based on the following factors:

Team Size

$\begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline 3 & {\leq4 \text { team members }} \\ \hline 6 & {5-10 \text { team members }} \\ \hline 12 & {\gt 10 \text { team members }} \\ \hline\end{array}$

Planning and COntrol Tools

$\begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline 2 & {\text { Both planning and controlling tools are available }} \\ \hline 4 & {\text { Planning tools are available }} \\ \hline 8 & {\text { No management tools are available }} \\ \hline\end{array}$

Planning and control allowance $(\%)=$Weights of (team size + planning and control tools)

Planning and control allowance (hours)=Planning and control allowance $(\%) \times P T H$

Thus, the total test hours is the total time taken for the whole system. TTH can also be distributed for various test phases, as given in below table.

Testing Phase $\%$ of TTH
Plan 10 $\%$
Specification 40 $\%$
Execution 45 $\%$
Completion 5 $\%$
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