Draft a farewell speech for the farewell function of your seniors.
1 Answer

A very Good afternoon to all present here!

Today we have gathered here for bidding farewell to Prof. L. S. Kamthe and Prof. S. P. Kumawat of our department. Prof. L. S. Kamthe has put in total 20 years of service in our institute as a lecturer and now he is retiring after completing 5 years service as an HOD of Computer Department. And Prof. S. P. Kumawat has served in our institute for 20 years as a lecturer in Computer. Both of them have worked with enthusiasm and devotion and contributed positively for the development of the department. They shared a good rapport with faculties as well as students. I wish them good health, peace of mind and lot of happiness in the years to come. Once again I take this opportunity to wish both of them a happy retired life. May God bless you with good health and a long life. Thank you.

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