Big Data Analytics Question Paper - Dec 17 - Computer Engineering (Semester 7) - Mumbai University (MU)
1 Answer

Big Data Analytics - Dec 17

Computer Engineering (Semester 7)

Total marks: 80
Total time: 3 Hours
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

1.a. What are the characteristics of big Data?
(5 marks) 13512

1.b Explain Hadoop Architectural Model.
(5 marks) 13517

1.c List the different issues and challenges in data stream query processing.
(5 marks) 6312

1.d Explain NoSQL data Architecture patterns.
(5 marks) 5980

2.a Explain DGIM algorithm for counting ones in a stream with example.
(10 marks) 6310

2.b Explain Social Network graph clustering algorithm with example.
(10 marks) 6324

3.a Explain Model for Recommendation System in detail.
(10 marks) 6322

3.b Explain Matrix Multiplication using TWO step MapReduce model.
(10 marks) 6301

4.a Explain PageRank algorithm with suitable example.
(10 marks) 6314

4.b Explain Bloom's filter for stream data mining with example.
(10 marks) 6313

5.a Explain PCY algorithm with suitable example.
(10 marks) 6319

5.b i) Find Jaccard distance {1,2,3,4} & {2,3,5,7} and {a,a,a,b} & {a,a,b,b,c}
ii) Find Hamming Distance between 110011 & 010101 and 11001 & 01011
iii) Compute the cosines of the angles between (3,-1,2) and (-2,3,1).
(10 marks) 12300

6 Write a note on

6.a Hadoop Ecosystem
(5 marks) 13516

6.b CURE Algorithm
(5 marks) 6321

6.c HITS
(5 marks) 6316

6.d MapReduce programming model
(5 marks) 12302

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