Digital signal processing Question Paper - Dec 16 - Electronics Engineering (Semester 7) - Mumbai University (MU)
1 Answer

Digital signal processing - Dec 16

Electronics Engineering (Semester 7)

Total marks: 80
Total time: 3 Hours
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

Q.1] Answer any four questions

1.a. Differentiate between Butterworth and chebyshev filter
(5 marks) 00

1.b. Explain the concept of pipelining in DSP processor
(5 marks) 00

1.c.Explain frequency warping effect in designing IIR filter using BLT method.
(5 marks) 00

1.d. Explain Quantization effect in computation of DFT
(5 marks) 00

1.e. State the relationship between DFS, DFT and Z Transform
(5 marks) 00

2.a.Compute IDFT of the following sequence using inverse FFT algorithm.

$ x(k)=\{3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0\} $

(10 marks) 00

2.b. Prove the Parseval's theorem for the sequence $x(n)=\{2,4,2,4\}$
(5 marks) 00

2.c. Find the circular convolution of the sequences $x(n)=\{1,2,1,2\}$ and $h(n)=\{4,0,4,0\}$
(5 marks) 00

3.a. Design an analog Butterworth filter that has $-2 \mathrm{dB}$ passband attenuation at frequency of 20 rad/sec and atleast $-10 \mathrm{dB}$ stopband attenuation at $30 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{sec} .$
(10 marks) 00

3.b. Convert the following filters with system functions

(i) $H(s)=\frac{1}{(s+2)(s+0.6)}$

(ii) $H(s)=\frac{(s+0.1)}{(s+0.1)^{2}+9}$

into a digital filter by means of impulse invariant and BLT method.

(10 marks) 00

4.a.Explain the concept of linear phase in FIR filter. prove the following statement 'a filter is said to have linear phase response if its phase response is $\theta(w)=-\alpha w$
(10 marks) 00

4.b. Design a low pass FIR filter with 7 coefficients for the following specifications passband frequency $=0.25 \mathrm{khz}$ and sampling frequency $=1 \mathrm{khz} .$ Use hamming window in designing.
(10 marks) 00

5.a. Draw neat architecture of TMS 320C67xx DSP processor and explain each block.
(10 marks) 00

5.b.Explain addressing modes of DSP processor with example.
(10 marks) 00

Q6] Write short notes on (any three)

(7 marks) 00

6.b. Application of DSP processor to Radar signal processing
(7 marks) 00

6.c.Limit cycle oscillations
(6 marks) 00

6.d. Product quantization error and input error
(6 marks) 00

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