While performing Morse test on a four cylinder petrol engine, the following result were obtained at particular throttle setting and speed. B.P. with all cylinders working =32.2 kW B.P. with Cylinder n
1 Answer

Given Data:

B.P. with all cylinders working (BP)engine =32.2 kW

B.P. with Cylinder no. 01 Cutout, (BP)2,3,4 = 22 kW

B.P. with Cylinder no. 02 Cutout (BP)1,3,4= 21.8 kW

B.P. with Cylinder no.03 Cutout (BP)1,2,4= 22.2 kW

B.P. with Cylinder no. 04 Cutout(BP)1,2,3 = 22.8 kW

Let IP of cylinder 1 2 3 and 4 be IP1, IP2 ,IP3 And IP4 Respectively.

The total IP of engine is given by,

(IP)engine = IP1+ IP2 +IP3+ IP4

We Know That

When cylinder 1 is cut off, the IP developed by cylinders 1 is given by

IP1 = (BP)engine – (BP)2,3,4

IP1 = 32.2 -22

IP1 = 10.2 kW

Similarly , IP developed by cylinder 2 is given by

IP2 = (BP)engine – (BP)1,3,4

IP2 = 32.2 – 21.8

IP2 = 10.4 kW

Similarly , IP developed by cylinder 3 is given by

IP3 = (BP)engine – (BP)1,2,4

IP3 = 32.2 – 22.2

IP3 =10 kW

Similarly , IP developed by cylinder 2 is given by

IP4 = (BP)engine – (BP)1,2,3

IP4 = 32.2 – 22.8

IP4 = 9.4 kW

Total IP of the engine is given by

Total IP of Engine = IP1 + IP2 + IP3 +IP4

= 10.2 + 10.4 + 10 + 9.4

(IP)engine = 40 kW

Mechanical Efficiency =$\frac{BP}{IP}$ X100

=$\frac{32.2}{40}$ X100


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