Q. 7.1 .1 Write short note on application of DSP for
ECG signal analysis.
$\text { (Ref. Secs. } 7.1,7.1 \text { and } 7.1 .2) \quad$ (8 Marks)
Most of the biomedical signals are in audio range and DSP is
widely used in many biomedical applications.
The signals from the body, are captured using electrodes. But
the major problem is addition of noise in such signals.
To remove this noise signals; digital filters are used.
7.1.1 Fetal ECG Monitoring
7.1.2 DSP based Closed Loop Controlled
- In case of surgery; anaesthesia is injected to the patient body.
- A proper amount of drug to induce anaesthesia is required to
inject in the patient body.
- Extra amount of drug produces side effects, as well as less
amount of drug can produce psychological consequences for
a long term.
- So it is required to make necessary changes in the dose of
anaesthetic drugs and to control the anaesthesia.
- Using DSP, a closed loop system can be designed to monitor
the does of anaesthesia and it is an automatic system.
- But, this system requires an accurate measurement of the
depth of anaesthesia and it requires a feedback signal to
monitor the delivery of dose.
- We will discuss the closed loop system used for EEG
- EFG represents, electrical activity of the brain and it contains
useful information for diagnostic of neurological disorders.
- From the EEG signals; the features like bispectral index
Audiotory Evoked Response (AER) are extracted and then
the depth of anaesthesia is determined.
- Basically AER signal gives information from consciousness
to unconsciousness condition of the patient.
- But these AER signals are usually small and they are mixed
up with EEG.
- So a proper system is required to extract these AER signals
and then process it.
- A bispectral index is obtained by performing spectrum
analysis of EEG.
- The signal I (k) operates infusion pump which controls the flow rate of drug.
- It gives information about the changes in frequency
components of EEG at different consciousness levels.
- A block diagram of DSP based closed controlled anaesthesia
system is shown in Fig. 7.1 .2 .
- EEG electrodes are placed on the scalp of the patient; which
generates EEG signals.
- Using suitable signal processing method; noise contained in
EEG is reduced.
- EEG monitor produces EEG index (bispectral index) and it
gives the measurement of drug induced in patient body.
- This EEG index is used as a feedback signal and it is
compared with the target EEG index.
- The target EEG index is a standard value which is determined
by considering many biomedical factors.
- The difference between target EEG index and measured EEG
produces an error signal, e (k).
- This signal is applied to PID (Proportional-Integral-
Derivative) control; to generate the required control signal,
- The signal $C(k)$ is applied to pharmacokinetic $/$ pharamaco-
dynamic model and this model generates a signal I (k) to
determine the rate at which, drug is injected in to the patient