What is acid rain? Give effects of acid rain.
1 Answer

Acid Rain is a broad term referring to a mixture of wet and dry deposition (deposited material) from the atmosphere containing higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids. The precursors, or chemical forerunners, of acid rain formation result from both natural sources, such as volcanoes and decaying vegetation, and man-made sources, primarily emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NO2) resulting from fossil fuel combustion.

Effects of Acid rain are known to cause widespread environmental damage:

  1. Acid rain dissolves and washes away nutrients in the soil which are needed by plants. It can also dissolve naturally occurring toxic substances like aluminium and mercury, freeing them to pollute water or poison plants.
  2. Acid rain indirectly affects plants by removing nutrients from the soil in which they grow. It affects trees more directly by creating holes in the waxy coating of leaves causing brown dead spots which affect the plant’s photosynthesis. Such trees are also more vulnerable to insect infestations, drought and cold. Spruce and fir forests at higher elevations seem to be most at risk. Farm crops are less affected by acid rain than forests.
  3. Acid rain that falls or flows as ground water to reach rivers, lakes and wetlands causes the water in them to become acidic. This affects plant and animal life in aquatic ecosystems.
  4. Acid rain also has far reaching effects on wildlife. By adversely affecting one species, the entire food chain is disrupted, ultimately endangering the entire ecosystem. Different aquatic species can tolerate different levels of acidity. For instance Clams and May flies have a high mortality when water has a pH of 6.0, while frogs can tolerate more acidic water, although with the decline in supply of mayflies, frog populations may also decline. Land animals that are dependent on aquatic organisms are also affected.
  5. Acid rain and dry acid deposition damages buildings, automobiles, and other structures made of stone or metal. The acid corrodes the materials causing extensive damage and ruins historic buildings. For instance, the Parthenon in Greece and the Taj Mahal in India have been affected by acid rain.
  6. Although surface water polluted by acid rain does not directly harm people, the toxic substances leached from soil can pollute water supply. Fish caught in these waters may be harmful for human consumption. Acid, along with other chemicals in the air, produces urban smog, which causes respiratory problems.
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