Explain the working of Bidirectional Shift register with proper timing diagram.
1 Answer
  1. A bidirectional Shift register is a register which is used to shift data in left side or right side depending upon the input.
  2. It is implemented using a logic gates and D flip flop that enables the data bit transfer from one stage to next stage to the right side or left side depending on a input side signal.
  3. Mode control is used to slect the direction of shifting a data.
  4. A HIGH signal on a mode control allows he data bits shift data into right side and the LOW signal on Mode control shifts the data into left side.
  5. If the input data is shifted by 1 position then the number is multiplied by 2 similarly if input binary data is shifted right by 1 position then it is divide by 2.
  6. If we use the shift register to divide and multiply the data then we can shift the input binary data by left or right position.
  7. Such a register which can shift data in right or left direction is called as bidirectional shift register.
  8. There are two serial inputs namely the serial right shift data input DR, and the serial left shift data input DL along with a mode select input (M).
  9. A 4-bit bidirectional shift register is shown in Figure below.
  10. There are two main inputs which are Serial Shift Left Input DL & erial Shift Right Input DR.
  11. When data is need to shift on right side input is given to the DR and if the data is need to shift on left side input is given from DL.

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