Block Diagram of internet Architecture of XC 9500 Family CPLD

Architectural Description:
- The Xilinx XC 9500 series is a family of CPLD with varying number of external input | output pins and internal PLDs.
- Each External i|o pin can be used as an input,an output or a bidirectional pin according to device programming.
- Any of the 3 pins at the bottom can be used as 'Global Clocks'(GCK).
- Each macro cell can be programmed to use a selected clock input.
- One pin can be used as a 'Global set/reset (GSR).
- Each macro cell can use this signal as an asynchronous Preset or Clear.
- 2 or 4 pins depending on the devices can be used as 'Global Three State Controls (GTS).
- One of the signals can be selected in each macrocell's output is hooked to an external i|o pin.
- The internal PLDs in Xilinx are called as function blocks (FBs)
- Each internal PLD has 36 inputs and 18 macrocells and outputs. Hence, it can be called as a "36v18"
- Only four functional blocks (FB) are shown but XC 9500 scales to accomodate 16 FBs in the XC 95288.
- Regardless tp the specific family member each FB programmable receives 36 signals from the switch matrix.
- The inputs to the Switch matrix are the 18 macro cell outputs from each of the functional blocks and the external inputs from the i|o pins.
Function Block:

- The Functional Block consists of 18 independent macro cells capable of implementing combinational or a registered function.
- Functional Block also receives global clock, outputs enable, set/reset signals.
- The functional block generates 18 outputs that drive Fast, Connect switch matrix.
- These 18 outputs and their corresponding 18 o|p enable signals also drive the i|o block.
- 36 inputs provides 72 true and complement signals into programmable AND-array to form 90 product terms.
- Product term allocator allocates any number of these 90 product terms on each macrocell.
- Each function block supports local feedback paths that allow any number of functional outputs to drive its own programmable AND array without going outside the Functional Block.
- Each macrocell of XC9500 is capable of getting configured to implement a combinatorial or registerd function.
- It is possible to configure the macrocell register as a D-type or T-type flip flop or we can bypass it for the combinatorila operation.
- The global clock and set /reset signals are available to all macro cells.
- It consists of:
- Switch Matrix: The switch matrix combines multiple internal connections into a