Using one's and two compliment methods perform (52)10-(18)10

Given (52)10, (18)10 in decimal number system. We have to convert decimal numbers to binary numbers to perform 1's and 2's complement.





1's Compliment method:

(110100)2 - (010010)2

  • First find the positive equivalent 1's compliment. To find 1's compliment, replace 1's with 0's and 0's with 1's.
    1's compliment of (010010)2=(101101)2
  • Add the above result to the (110100)2
    $\begin{matrix} & _1 & _1 & _1\\ &1&1&0&1&0&0\\+&1&0&1&1&0&1\\\hline\\\underline1&1&0&0&0&0&1\\\downarrow\\\text{Carry}\end{matrix}$
  • The Carry is generated in the above result.
    Add the cary bit to the least significant bit [LSB] of the above result.

(52)10 - (18)10 = (100010)2

2's Compliment method:

(110100)2 - (010010)2

  • Find the negative equivalents 2's compliment. To find 2's compliment, find 1's compliment by replacing 1's with 0's and 0's with 1's, and add 1.
    1's compliment of (010010)2=(101101)2
    2's compliment of (010010)2=(101101+1)2=(101110)2
  • Add (101110)2 to (110100)2
  • Discard the carry bit in 2's compliment

(52)10 - (18)10 = (100010)2

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