Define accuracy, precision and sensitivity with suitable example.
1 Answer


Static characteristics are defined as the instrument which measures quantity that do not vary with time.The main static characteristics are :

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Sensitivity

Accuracy: This is a measure of the accuracy of the transducer output representing the true value being measured. It is defined as the nearness to the true/actual value of the quantity.

The accuracy can be expressed as :

  1. Point Accuracy
  2. Accuracy as percentage of scale range
  3. Accuracy as percentage of true value

Precision: It is a measure of reproducibility of the measurement, that is given a fixed value of variable. Precision is a measure of the degree to which successive measurement differ from each other.

For example, consider an instrument on which reading can be taken upto 1/100 of unit. The instrument has zero adjustment error. So, when we take a reading , the instrument is highly precise.

Senstivity: Senstivity is defined as the ratio of the change in the output of the instrument to the change in the input.The manufacturer specify sensitivity as the ratio of the magnitude of the measured quantitiy to the magnitude of the responses.This ratio is called as inverse sensitivity.

The sensitivity of an instrument should be as high as possible. The range of instrument should not exceed the value to be measured.

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