State advantages and disadvantages of landline telemetry
1 Answer


The advantages of the land line telemetry system are as follows.

  1. The circuitry required for the measurement set up is very simple.
  2. The information can be transmitted in the form of voltage, current and position easily with the modern sophisticated electronic circuitry.
  3. This system is very effective for short distance transmission as the telemeter channel or communication channel can be established with the help of simple cable used for the telephone and telegraph applications and transmission line.
  4. There is a wide variety of the primary sensing elements which produce electrical signal (voltage or current) in relation with the variable being measured at the input stage of the system.


  1. The distortions in the transmission links are directly incorporated in the main system.
  2. The EMI effects of main frequency from nearby cable affect the information transmitted through the link.
  3. In case of telemetry systems transmitting D.C. signals, the effects of the thermo-electric e.m.f.s are significant.
  4. The land line telemetry system has limited frequency response.
  5. The multiplexing of signal is very difficult.
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