Compare assembly language programming with c-programming.
1 Answer

Compare assembly language programming with c-programming:

Assembly language C-programming
Assembly language is a lot more flexible allowing you to work with memory, interrupts, micro-registers,etc. C is easier to use for making more complex programs.
Assembler is a lower level programming language than C,so this makes it a good for programming directly to hardware. C is a high level programing language i.e, we can write in an user understandable language
Learning Assembler language is more cumbersome and less productive compared to C. Learning C is somehow more productive and easier than learning assembler cause there is more developing stuff around C than Assembler.
It is difficult to modify and to understand. It is easy to understand and modify.
It requires 50 bytes of memory. It requires 366 Bytes of memory.
The execution time (machine cycles) for one cycle from 0 to 360 degrees is 368 machine cycles. The execution time (machine cycles) for one cycle from 0 to 360 degrees isĀ  971 machine cycles excluding delay routine.
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