Crossover and mutation
1 Answer


Crossover is one of the most important part of genetic algorithm

Following are the types of crossover types:

  1. Single point crossover
  2. Two point crossover
  3. Multipoint crossover
  4. Uniform crossover
  5. Matrix crossover


  • Single point crossover:

In this type a crossover point is selected after which bits are echanged.

  • Two point crossover:

In this type 2 crossover points are selected and the bits between them are exchanged,

  • Multipoint crossover:

In this type there are 2 cases:

  • Even number if cross points
  • Odd number of cross points


  • Uniform crossover:

It is an extreme point of multipoint crossover in which bits at equal interval are exchanged.

  • Matrix corssover:

Normally strings are stored as one dimension array but in this case they are partitioned into 2D form


  • After crossover the strings are subjected to mutation. Mutation of bits flipping of bits that is changing of 0 to 1 or vice versa.
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