What is learning process ? What do you mean by supervised and unsupervised learning with suitable example
1 Answer

Learning in Neural Network:

  • Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience
  • Learning in a network is a process of forcing a network to yeild particular response to a specific input.

Differentiate between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning:

Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning
1. The desired output is known. 1. The desired output is unknown.
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2. Error information can be used. 2. Error information cannot be used.
3. A reward/punishment scheme is used 3. It uses observation for learning
4. A training set is required. 4. A training set is not required.
5. It does not use the concept of clustering patter and SOM (Self Organizing Map) 5. It uses the concept of clustering patter and SOM (Self Organizing Map)
6. Analogy: It corresponds to learning in class room in the presence of teacher. Thus, questions can be answered. 6. Analogy: It corresponds to learning from a video tape lecture. Thus, questions can not be answered.
7. 7.
8. For Example: Perceptron learning rule 8. For Example: Hebbian learning rule
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