Assume that two students are trying to register for a course in which there is only one open seat. What component of a database system prevents both students from being given that last seat?
1 Answer

Transaction Isolation

  • The Transaction Isolation component of the database prevents both students from being given the last seat of the course.

  • In database management system always ensures the data that enters into the database must maintain accuracy and consistency of the database system.

  • Therefore, when both students register for the last seat of the course, there are two probabilities presents such as:

    • Student 1 will register for the last seat.
    • Student 2 will register for the last seat.
  • But there is no chance for the probability of

    • Both students get the last seat of the course.
    • Not a single student gets last the seat of the course.
  • Above probabilities ensure that only one of the students would register for the last seat of the course.

  • The Transaction Isolation concept makes this possible. It ensures that only one student's registration request is fulfilled and database maintains accuracy and consistency.

  • Hence, when one student registers for the last seat of the course, then the next student would not register for the same seat or any other seat, because registration for the last seat has already been completed.

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