. A pelton wheel is working under a gross-head of 600 m. The water is supplied through penstock of diameter 1.25 m and length 10 km from the reservoir to the pelton wheel turbine. The diameter of the

. A pelton wheel is working under a gross-head of 600 m. The water is supplied through penstock of diameter 1.25 m and length 10 km from the reservoir to the pelton wheel turbine. The diameter of the jet is 200 mm and gets deflected through an angle of 160◦ . The relative velocity at the outlet is reduced by 20%. If U = 0.4V1, f = 0.0065 and ηm = 82%, determine: 1. Runner power 2. shaft power 3. hydraulic efficiency ηh 4. overall efficiency ηo Problem (4). A pelton wheel turbine wi

1 Answer

Given data:

gross head (H)= 600m,

Dp = diameter of penstock: 1.25m,

diameter of jet (Dj) = 200mm

angle of deflection (δ) = 160°

$Vɛ_2$=relative velocity at outlet

∴ $Vɛ_2$= 0.8$Vɛ_1$, U = 0.4 $V_1$


The velocity diagłam of pelton wheel can be drawn as below,


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