Solve the following single source shortest path problem assuming vertex 5 as the source.

shortest path problem
enter image description here

1 Answer

Considering the above graph The starting vertex would be 5

Step 1:- The outing edges directed 5 are
5 -> 3 {4}

5 -> 3

Step 2: - The outgoing edges directed from 3 are
3 -> 1 {10} min
3 -> 2 {20}
5 -> 3 -> 1

Step 3:- The outgoing edges directed from 1 are 1 -> 2 {15} 1 -> 4 {20}

end reached 5 -> 3 -> 1 -> 4

Hence vertex 4 will be selected. In single source shortest path if destination vertex is 4 then we have achieved shortest path 5-3-1-4 with path length 34.
4 + 10 + 20 = 34

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