Explain 3 bit Bidirectional shift register using JK Flip Flop. Draw the neat waveforms.

Mumbai University > COMPS > Sem 3 > Digital Logic Design and Analysis

Marks: 10 M

Year: Dec 2013

1 Answer

Fig. 3-bit Bi-directional Shift Registers

$$\text{Fig. 3-bit Bi-directional Shift Registers}$$

  • The above diagram shows 3-bit Bi-directional Shift register, this type of register allows shifting of data either to the left side or to the right side.
  • It is implemented by using logic gate circuitry that enables the transfer of data from one stage to the next stage to left or to the right, depending on the level of a control line.
  • The $RIGHT/\underline{LEFT}$ is the control input signal which allows data shifting either towards right or towards left. A high on this line enables the shifting of data towards right and a low enables it towards left.
  • When $RIGHT/\underline{LEFT}$ signal is high, out of the pair of each 2 AND gates the first AND gate from each of the pair is enabled.
  • The state of the Q output of each Flip Flop is passed through the input of the following flip flop. When the clock pulse arrives, the data are shifted one place to the right.
  • When $RIGHT/\underline{LEFT}$ signal is low, out of the pair of each 2 AND gates the second AND gate from each of the pair is enabled.
  • The state of the Q output of each Flip Flop is passed through the input of the preceding flip flop. When the clock pulse arrives, the data are shifted one place to the left.
  • Waveform:

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