Round Robin CPU Scheduling Problem

Assume you have the following jobs to execute with one processor, with the jobs arriving in the the order listed here:

Process Burst Time Arrival Time
0 80 0
1 20 10
2 10 10
3 20 80
4 50 85

(i) Suppose a system uses RR scheduling with a quantum of 15. Create a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of these processes?

(ii) What is the turnaround time for process p3?

(iii) What is the average wait time for the processes

1 Answer

Round Robin (RR) CPU Scheduling

  • In RR scheduling CPU is assigned to the process based on FCFS for a fixed amount of time called time quantum.
  • After the time quantum expires, the running process is preempted and sent to the ready queue.
  • Then, the processor is assigned to the next arrived process.
  • This process continues until all the processes complete their execution.

In the given problem total of 5 jobs named P0, P1, P2, P3, and P4 arrived in the sequence.

The system works based on Round Robin (RR) CPU Scheduling with Time Quantum = 15

Gantt Chart for representing the execution sequence of all the processes

Gantt Chart for RR

General explanation of how to create this Gantt Chart (only for Understanding Purpose)

Step 1 -

  • At time 0, process P0 arrives in the ready queue and executes its tasks for time quantum 15 units.
  • During 15 units of the time slice, another process P1 and P2 arrived in the ready queue.
  • After that, process P0 will return to the end of the ready queue and await its execution.

Step 2 -

  • Now, process P1 starts its execution for a time quantum of 15 units.
  • Then process P2 starts its execution for a time slot of 10 units because the Burst Time is 10, and it does not go to the ready queue for further execution.

Step 3 -

  • Now, process P0 will start its execution again for 15 units because no new process arrived till the time of 40 ms or unit.
  • Then process P1 will start its execution again for the remaining 5 units and completes its execution.

Step 4 -

  • Now, process P0 will start its execution again for 15 units because no new process arrived till the time of 60 ms or unit.
  • After completing this execution process P0 will start its execution again for the next 15 units because no new process arrived till the time of 75 ms or unit.
  • But, during this 15 units of the time slice, another process P3 and P4 arrived in the ready queue.

Step 5 -

  • Now, process P3 starts its execution for a time quantum of 15 units.
  • After that process, P4 starts its execution for a time quantum of 15 units.
  • Then process P0 will start its execution again for 15 units.

Step 6 -

  • Now, process P3 will start its execution again for the remaining 5 units and completes its execution.
  • After that process, P4 starts its execution for a time quantum of 15 units.
  • Finally, process P0 will start its execution again for the remaining 5 units and completes its execution.

Step 7 -

  • Now, process P4 is the only remaining process to complete its execution.
  • The process P4 completes its remaining execution in 15 unit and 5 unit time slices.

Turn around Time and Waiting time for all the Processes

Formulae -

$$Turn\ Around\ Time = Process\ Completion\ Time – Process\ Arrival\ Time$$

$$Waiting\ Time = Turn\ Around\ Time – Burst\ Time$$

Calculate the Turnaround Time and waiting Time for every process in the tabular format as follows:

  • From the Gantt Chart shown above process completion time for each process can be confirmed.

    • Process P0 completes its execution at 160 ms or units
    • Process P1 completes its execution at 60 ms or units
    • Process P2 completes its execution at 40 ms or units
    • Process P3 completes its execution at 140 ms or units
    • Process P4 completes its execution at 180 ms or units
  • That means process completes their execution in the sequence of P2 -> P1 -> P3 -> P0 -> P4

Process Burst Time Arrival Time Process Completion Time Turn Around Time Waiting Time
P0 80 0 160 160 – 0 = 160 160 – 80 = 80
P1 20 10 60 60 – 10 = 50 50 – 20 = 30
P2 10 10 40 40 – 10 = 30 30 – 10 = 20
P3 20 80 140 140 – 80 = 60 60 – 20 = 40
P4 50 85 180 180 – 85 = 95 95 – 50 = 45


Calculate the Average Waiting Time

Average Waiting time = (80 + 30 + 20 + 40 + 45) / 5 = 43 ms or units

Similarly we can also compute Average Turnaround Time based on the above data

Average Turn Around Time = (160 + 50 + 30 + 60 + 95) / 5 = 79 ms or units

i] Gantt Chart illustrated that all processes finishes its execution in the sequence of P2 -> P1 -> P3 -> P0 -> P4

ii] Turnaround Time for process P3 = 60 ms or units

iii] Average Wait Time = 43 ms or units

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