With neat sketch explain thermosyphon type water cooling system.
1 Answer
  • Thermo-syphon water cooling system is based on the fact that water becomes light on heating. The thermo-syphon cooling arrangement is shown in figure.
  • The top and bottom of the radiator are connected to the top and bottom of the cylinder water jacket respectively with the help of pipes.
  • The radiator is cooled by causing air to flow over it. Air flow is achieved by vehicle motion or a fan provided.
  • The heated water in cylinder water jacket becomes light and moves out of the upper connection pipe into the radiator and travels down from upper tank to lower tank, rejecting heat as it travels. This cooled water from the lower tank is passed into the cylinder water jacket and hence circulated again for the process.
  • An important limitation of this system is that the cooling depends only on temperature and is independent of engine speed. Also the circulation of water starts only after the engine has become hot enough to cause thermo-syphon action.

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