Explain quality circles related to project management
1 Answer

Quality circles are small groups of employees who meet frequently to help resolve com- pany quality problems and provide recommendations to management. Quality circles were initially developed in Japan and have achieved some degree of success in the United States.

The employees involved in quality circles meet frequently either at someone’s home or at the plant before the shift begins. The group identifies problems, analyzes data, rec- ommends solutions, and carries out management-approved changes. The success of quality circles is heavily based upon management’s willingness to listen to employee recommendations.

Quality circles built mutual trust and create greater understanding between the manage­ment and the workers. Cooperation and not confrontation is the key element in its operation. Quality Circles aims at building people, developing them, arousing genuine interest and dedication to their work to improve quality, productivity, cost reduction etc.

Key elements of quality circles include:

  • They give a team effort.
  • They are completely voluntary.

  • Employees are trained in group dynamics, motivation, communications, and prob-

    lem solving.

  • Members rely upon each other for help.

  • Management support is active but as needed.

  • Creativity is encouraged.
  • Management listens to recommendations.

The benefits of quality circles include:

  • Improved quality of products and services.

  • Better organizational communications.

  • Improved worker performance.

  • Improved morale.

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