What is the difference between QPSK and offset QPSK?
1 Answer


  • Quadrature Phase Shift Keying is referred as QPSK.
  • In QPSK maximum phase shift is limited to about 90 degree.
  • In QPSK, first input bit stream is split into two bit streams referred as odd and even.These streams are applied simultaneously to the mixers.
  • Power spectral density(PSD) of QPSK modulated spectrum is same as OQPSK.
  • QPSK doesn't prevents phase transition from the origin by shifting one stream by a bit period.
  • Null Bandwidth is 1.0 X Data rate.
  • Amplitude variations are of the order of 30dB.


  • Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying is referred as OQPSK.
  • In OQPSK maximum phase shift is about +/- 90 degree.
  • In OQPSK, after splitting the bit stream into odd and even, one bit stream is made offset by 1 bit period with respect to the other.
  • Power spectral density(PSD) of OQPSK modulated spectrum is same as QPSK.
  • OQPSK prevents phase transition from the origin by shifting one stream by a bit period and allowing only one bit to change between the transitions.
  • Null Bandwidth is 1.0 X Data rate.
  • Amplitude variation are of the order of 3 dB.
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