Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Single ownership.
1 Answer



  • Prompt decision making:

    Owner is prompt in decision making since there is to be consulted.

  • Operational flexibility:

    The organization is easy to operate and it is extremely flexible.

  • Prompt decision making:

    Owner is prompt in decision making since there is to be consulted.

  • Easy to dissolve:

    The business can be dissolved at any time.

  • Coordination of effort and reward:

    efforts and rewards are directly related in this type of ownership.

  • No coordination:

    There is no problem of coordination in the organization.

  • Easy formation:

    It is very easy to bring the business to existence.


  • Sole Responsibility:

    The owner is liable fore all obligations and debts of the business.

  • Expanding Business is difficult:

    It will be difficult to raise capital in order to expand the business.

  • Owner is not a Master of All:

    The owner of the business cannot be a master of all techniques, like management, sales and engineering etc.

  • Limited Capital:

    The amount of capital that can be invested will normally be very limited.

  • Unlimited Liability:

    When the business fails, the creditors take away the personal property as well as business property to settle their claims.

  • Limited Life:

    The firm ceases to exist with the death of the owner.

  • Owner is not a Master of All:

    The owner of the business cannot be a master of all techniques, like management, sales and engineering etc.

  • Expanding Business is difficult:

    It will be difficult to raise capital in order to expand the business.

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