written 2.7 years ago by |
You are asked to create a database for managing a chain of hospitals. A hospital has a name, general address and phone. In a hospital, there are mul- tiple wards. A ward is an area in the hospital for patients in need of the same sort of care. Each ward has a name that is unique among the wards of the corresponding hospital. For each ward we also store the kind of care being provided there. Every ward has a certain capacity (i.e. the number of beds). Doctors and patients are all persons. Persons have a name, gender, home ad- dress, phone, and data of birth. A doctor has a number of (zero or more) specialities. The doctors of the hos- pital are grouped in teams. Each team has a unique code and a specialisation (e.g. orthopaedics or pediatrics). Each team is managed by a senior doctor (also called: attending physician). The rest of the team are all junior doctors. Each doctor can be a member of at most one team. A patient has patient-number, and a list of allergies. For each patient, we keep track of all the stays of that patient in a ward. For each stay we keep at what date the patient was accepted in and released; and which medical teams were taking care of the patient. Also, for each patient we keep a clinical history log. Each log entry has a description and a timestamp (date and time); and is made by a doctor. A log entry is either a prescription of some medicine, or a medical observation.