Design Moore sequence detector to detect a sequence ----101-using DF/F
2 Answers
  • A sequence detector is a sequential state machine. In a Moore machine, output depends only on the present state and not dependent on the input (x). Hence in the diagram, the output is written with the states.

  • The state diagram of a moore machine for a 101 detector is:

enter image description here

  • The state table for the above diagram:

enter image description here

  • Four states will require two flip flops. Consider two D flip flops. Their excitation table is shown below.

  • Excitation table:

enter image description here

  • K-maps to determine inputs to D Flip flop:

enter image description here

  • Circuit diagram for the sequence detector:

enter image description here

This can be done with lesser no of states. Three states .Please see to this if possible.


Equation for DB is supposed to be x'A +xBA' instead of xBA, the diagram needs adjustment too

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