What is a subtype discriminator? Give an example of its use.
1 Answer

Subtype Discriminator

  • Consider the problem of inserting a new instance of a supertype.

    • Into which of the subtypes (if any) should this instance be inserted?
    • We need a simple mechanism to implement these rules.
    • This mechanism is called Subtype Discriminator.
  • A subtype discriminator : is an attribute of a supertype whose values determine the target subtype or subtypes.

    • Disjoint : A simple attribute with alternative values indicates the possible subtypes.
    • Overlapping : a composite attribute whose subparts relate to differe subtypes.
      • Each subpart contains a value indicting whether or not the instance belongs subtype.

Subtype Discriminator : Disjoint Subtypes

  • Constraints have been added :

    • Total specialization and disjoint subtypes.
  • Each employee must be either :

    • hourly,
    • salaried,
    • or a consultant.
  • (Employee Type) attribute has been added to the supertype

    • As a subtype discriminator.
  • When a new employee is added to the supertype, This attribute is coded with :

    • This attribute is coded with :
    • "H" (for Hourly)
    • "S" (for Salaried)
    • "C" (for Consultant).
  • Depending on this code.

    • The instance is then assigned to the appropriate subtype.

Subtype Discriminator : Overlapping Subtypes

  • When subtypes overlap, a slightly modified approach must be applied for the subtype discriminator.

  • A given instance of the supertype may require that we create an instance in more than one subtype.

    • Example : PART and its overlapping subtypes.
    • A new attribute named Part Type has been added to PART. Part Type is a composite attribute with components Manufactured? and Purchased?
    • Each of these attributes is a Boolean variable
  • When a new instance is added to PART, these components are coded as follows :

Type of Part Manufactured? Purchased?
Manufactured only "Y" "N"
Purchased only "N" "Y"
Purchased and manufactured "Y" "Y"

The values of the discriminator attribute parts will determine where the instance is going to be stored.

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