What is the meaning of cost? write a Factors of cost.
1 Answer


Meaning of cost:

  • Cost may be defined as the monetary value of all sacrifices made to achieve an objective, i.e., producing goods and services.

  • Costs are very important in business decision-making. Cost of production provides the floor to pricing.

  • It helps the manager to take the correct decision, such as what price to quote, whether to place particular order for inputs or not whether to abandon or add a product to the existing product line, and so on.

  • Ordinarily, cost refers to the money expenses incurred by a firm in the production process.

  • Cost also included the imputed value of the entrepreneur’s resources and services and the salary of the owner-manager.

Factors of cost:

  • Factors determining the cost are:

- (a) Size of plant:

  • There is an inverse relationship between the size of the plant and cost. Assize of plant increases, cost falls, and vice versa.

- (b) Level of Output:

  • There is a direct relationship between output level and cost. More the level of output, more is the cost ( i. e., total cost) and vice Versa.

- (c) Price of Inputs:

  • There is a direct relationship between the price of inputs and cost. As the price of inputs rise, cost rises and vice versa.

- (d) State of technology:

  • More modern and upgraded technology implies lesser cost and vice versa.

- (e) Management and administrative efficiency:

  • Efficiency and cost are inversely related. More efficiency in management and administration better will be the product and less will be the cost.

  • The cost will increase in case of inefficiencies in management and administration.

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