Explain the strategic theory and practice in cyber strategy management.
1 Answer


  • Strategic theory is a method of analysis that can be used to assist in the comprehension of decision-making.

  • It is used to refer to anything from governments’ policies to personal choices. Some of the public researchers in strategic theories include.

  • Thomas Schelling, John Boyd and Colin Gray. Gray argues that cyberwar can benefit from strategic theories tailored for the realisms of behaviors (Gray 2007, 2013).

  • Strategic theory not only describes, organizes, and explains a body of knowledge, but also it guides actions.

  • Strategic theory prompts us to consider the costs and risks of our decisions and weigh the consequences of those of our adversaries and friends (Yarger 2006).

  • High-quality strategic theory about cyber security was a challenge especially due to the technical nature of such strategies, if exist. A related term in cyber is: “Cyber power.”

  • Cyber power is “the ability to use cyberspace to create advantages and influence events in all the operational environments and across the instruments of power,” (Kuehl 2009).

  • However, this definition has offensive-minded focus on cyber-related activities. This is expected as cyber power theories are still in their infant stages.

  • Cyber power theories should evolve to consider full spectrum (defensive and offensive) capabilities, (Nguyen 2017).

  • Cyber power can be an effective act of war even though physical or military forces cannot be generated directly from networked computers. Cyber warfare is the fifth domain of warfare joining land, sea, air, and space.

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