Explain Phases of Entrepreneurial Development Program.
1 Answer


Phases of Entrepreneurial Development Program:

An entrepreneurial development program consists of three broad phases:

    1. Pre-training Phase.
    1. Training Phase.
    1. Post-training Phase.

1. Initial Phase:

  • This phase includes the activities and the preparations required to launch the training program. The main activities of this phase are:

  • (a) Arrangement of Infrastructure for training

  • (b) Preparation of training syllabus and application form

  • (c) Tie up of guest faculty

  • (d) Designing tools and techniques for selecting the trainees

  • (e) Formation of the selection committee

  • (f) Publicity campaign for the program Thus, the initial stage involves the identification and selection of potential entrepreneurs and providing initial motivation to them.

2. Training Phase:

  • In this phase, the training program is implemented to develop motivation and skills among the participants.

  • The objective of this phase is to bring desirable changes in the behavior of the trainees.

  • The trainers have to judge how much, and how far the trainees have moved in their entrepreneurial pursuits. A trainer should see the following changes in the behavior of participants.

  • (a) Is there any change in his entrepreneurial outlook, role, and skill?

  • (b) Is he motivated to plunge into an entrepreneurial venture and risk what is expected of an entrepreneur?

  • (c) What kind of entrepreneurial behavior does the trainee lack?

  • (d) Does he possess the knowledge of technology, resources, and other related entrepreneurial knowledge?

  • (e) Is he skillful in choosing the right project and mobilizing the right resources at the right time?

3. Post-Training or Follow-up Phase:

  • Under this phase, it is assessed how far the program's objectives have been achieved.

  • Monitoring and follow-up reveals drawbacks in the earlier phases and suggests guidelines for framing the future policy.

  • In this phase infrastructural support, counseling and assistance in establishing new enterprises and in developing the existing units can also be reviewed.

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