Write short note on R programming language with its features.

Write short note on R programming language with its features.

1 Answer

R Language :-

  • R language is a programming language which is actually clubbed with packages.

  • It is used for data processing and visualization.

  • It is multi-functional language which provides the functions like data manipulation, computation and visualization.

  • It can store the figures; performs computation on them with the objective of putting together as ideal set.

  • It has following features to support operations on data :-

    • R has integral function for data handling like declaration and definition and it also supports in-memory storage of data.

    • It supports operations on collection of data like set and matrix.

    • Many tools are available for data analysis using R.

    • Visual representation produced using R can be displayed on the screen as well as can be printed.

    • ā€˜Sā€™ programming language is available online to support function of R in more simplified manner.

    • Large numbers of packages are available in repository for various functionalities of data processing with R language.

    • R supports the graphical illustration function for data analysis which can also be exported to external files in various formats.

    • R can support end to end requirements of data analytics. It can be used to rapidly develop any analysis.

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