Write short notes on clustering.

Write short notes on clustering.

1 Answer

Clustering :-

  • Clustering is the process of grouping a set of data objects into multiple groups or clusters so that objects within a cluster have high similarity, but are very dissimilar to objects in other clusters.

  • Dissimilarities and similarities are assessed based on the attribute values describing the objects and often involve distance measures.

  • The "quality" of a cluster may be represented by its diameter, the maximum distance between any two objects in the cluster.

  • Centroid distance is an alternative measure of cluster quality and is defined as the average distance of each cluster object from the cluster centroid.

  • Cluster analysis or simply clustering is the process of partitioning a set of data objects (or observations) into subsets.

  • The set of clusters resulting from a cluster analysis can be referred to as a clustering.

  • Clustering can lead to the discovery of previously unknown groups within the data.

  • Cluster analysis has been widely used in many applications such as business intelligence, image pattern recognition, Web search, biology, and security.

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