Briefly Explain Information Security.
1 Answer

Following this broad definition, information security refers to all of the processes and policies designed to protect an organization’s information and information systems (IS) from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, Modi cation, or destruction.

You have seen that information and information systems can be compromised by deliberate criminal actions and by anything that can impair the proper functioning of an organization’s information systems.

Organizations collect huge amounts of information and employ numerous information systems that are subject to myriad threats.

A threat to an information resource is any danger to which a system may be exposed.

The exposure of an information resource is the harm, loss, or damage that can result if a threat compromises that resource.

An information resource’s vulnerability is the possibility that the system will be harmed by a threat.

Today, key factors are contributing to the increasing vulnerability of organizational information resources, making it much more difficult to secure them:

  • Today’s interconnected, interdependent, wirelessly networked business environment.

  • Smaller, faster, cheaper computers and storage devices.

  • Decreasing skills necessary to be a computer hacker.

  • International organized crime taking over cybercrime.

  • Lack of management support.

The first factor:

The first factor is the evolution of the IT resource from mainframe-only to today’s highly complex, interconnected, interdependent, wirelessly networked business environment.

The Internet now enables millions of computers and computer networks to communicate freely and seamlessly with one another.

Organizations and individuals are exposed to a world of untrusted networks and potential attackers.

A trusted network, in general, is any network within your organization.

An untrusted network, in general, is any network external to your organization. In addition, wireless technologies enable employees to compute, communicate, and access the Internet anywhere and anytime.

Significantly, wireless is an inherently nonsecure broadcast communications medium.

The second factor:

The second factor reflects the fact that modern computers and storage devices (e.g., thumb drives or ash drives) continue to become smaller, faster, cheaper, and more portable, with greater storage capacity.

These characteristics make it much easier to steal or lose a computer or storage a device that contains huge amounts of sensitive information.

Also, far more people can afford powerful computers and connect inexpensively to the Internet, thus raising the potential of an attack on information assets.

The third factor:

The third factor is that the computing skills necessary to be a hacker are decreasing.

The reason is that the Internet contains information and computer

programs called scripts that users with few skills can download and use to attack any information system connected to the Internet.

The fourth factor:

The fourth factor is that international organized crime is taking over cybercrime. Cybercrime refers to illegal activities conducted over computer networks, particularly the Internet.

the company that specializes in providing security information to governments and Fortune 500 companies maintain that groups of well-organized criminal organizations have taken control of a global billion-dollar crime network.

The network, powered by skillful hackers, targets known software security weaknesses. These crimes are typically nonviolent but quite lucrative.

For example, the losses from armed robberies average hundreds of dollars, while those from white-collar crimes average tens of thousands.

In contrast, losses from computer crimes average hundreds of thousands of dollars. Also, computer crimes can be committed from anywhere in the world, at any time, effectively providing an international haven for cybercriminals.

Computer-based crimes cause billions of dollars in damages to businesses each year, including the costs to repair information systems and the costs of lost business.

The fifth and final factor is lack of management support. For the entire organization to take security policies and procedures seriously, senior managers must set the tone.

Ultimately, however, lower-level managers may be even more important.

These managers are in close contact with employees every day and thus are in a better position to determine whether employees are following security procedures.

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