Briefly explain the tools of DSP/BIOS.
1 Answer


DSP--BIOS is an important tool that simplifies the design of DSP applications. It consists of three components; real-time kernel, real-time analysis tool, and peripheral configuration and management tool.

DSP/BIOS has a configuration tool that enables the graphical selection of either the kernel or the analysis services and configures the peripheral devices.

The configuration allows efficient utilization of the kernel memory. More information on the tools and how to access them are given below.

(i) Real-time kernel:

This tool makes it possible to create and configure DSP/BIOS objects used by your program such as scheduling of tasks, synchronization, etc.

It is also possible to configure memory, thread priorities, interrupt handlers, and Chip support library settings. On the FILE menu choose NEW and select DSP/BIOS CONFIGURATION.

This provides templates that have been provided for various standard and default targets.

One can use the default target or select a specific standard target that can be used in its current the format or can even be customized.

(ii) Real-time analysis tool:

This tool allows you to view the program activity in real-time. The tool can be used with any project that contains DSP/BIOS configuration.

The real-time analysis is the real-time capture and display of data used for the early detection and diagnosis of system-level bugs.

DSP/BIOS provides several mechanisms that allow you to acquire, transfer, and display data in real-time with minimal intrusion into the program’s operation.

For instance, you can observe a thread activity using an execution graph. To open a DSP/BIOS analysis tool, use the DSP/BIOS menu or the Real-Time Analysis toolbar within Code Composer Studio.

(iii) Device configuration and Management Tool:

Your C, C++, and assembly language programs can call over 150 DSPs/ BIOS API functions. API stands for Applications Program Interface.

The API functions are called by the program header files. More information can be found on the API header files and how and when to include such files in your program on the Content Part of the Help file on the DSP/BIOS module header files.

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