What are the differences between python language, and C language?
1 Answer


C language Python
C is a general-purpose programming language that is extremely popular, simple, and flexible to use. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.
There is a limited number of built-in functions available in C. There is a large library of built-in functions in Python.
Since the C program is compiled thus, it is a faster language than Python. Since Python programs are interpreted than it comparatively slower than programs.
The C language has support for pointers The Python language does not have them for support pointers.
C language has a limited number of built-in functions as compared to that Python language. On another hand, Python has a large library of built-in functions as compared to C language.
C is a less robust programming language compared to Python. Python is a more robust programming language compared to C as it has strong memory management
C allows inline assignment. For instance: int a=10; runs well in C. Python does not allow inline assignments. For instance, a=10; throws an error in python.
The C code files are stored in the system with the .c extension. The Python code files are stored in the system with the .py extension.
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