Explain linear and non-linear data structures with examples.
1 Answer

Linear Data Structure:

  • Those data structures where the data elements are organised in some sequence is called linear data structure.
  • Here the various operations on a data structure are possible only in a sequence i.e. we cannot insert the element into any location of our choice. E.g. A new element in a queue can come only at the end, not anywhere else.
  • Examples of linear data structures are array, stacks, queue, and linked list.
  • They can be implemented in memory using two ways.
  • The first method is by having a linear relationship between elements by means of sequential memory locations.
  • The second method is by having a linear relationship by using links.

    Non-Linear Data Structure:

  • When the data elements are organised in some arbitrary function without any sequence, such data structures are called non-linear data structures.

  • Examples of such type are trees, graphs.
  • The relationship of adjacency is not maintained between elements of a non-linear data structure.
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