Explain the CIM wheel in detail with respect to importance, functioning and features of it. OR With neat sketch of CIM wheel, explain the salient features of CIM system.
1 Answer

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is the study of manufacturing planning, integration, and implementation of automation. The Computer and Automation Systems Association of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers gives the following definition: ‘‘CIM is the integration of the total manufacturing enterprise through the use of integrated systems and data communications coupled with new managerial philosophies that improve organizational and personnel efficiency’’ (Singh 1996).

The CIM Wheel

CIM wheel captures the concept of total integration of all industrial functions.

CIM – A concept or Technology

  • A concept- For top management, a blueprint for success.
  • A Technology – for middle management and line managers, a physical realization of resources that are more capable and flexible.

Importance of CIM

CIM is important to an organization in achieving the following goals:

  1. More productive and efficient processes.
  2. Increase product reliability.
  3. Decrease cost of production and maintenance.
  4. Reduce number of hazardous jobs.
  5. Increase involvement of educated and able humans in manufacturing and design.

Functioning of CIM

  1. Evaluating and developing different product strategies.
  2. Market analysis and forecasting.
  3. Analysing product / market characteristics &generates concept of possible manufacturing system (FMS & FMC).
  4. Designing and analysing components for machining, inspection, assembly and other processes.
  5. Evaluating and determining batch sizes, manufacturing capacity, scheduling and control strategies.
  6. Analysis and feedback for manufacturing processes.
  7. Analysis of system disturbances and economic factors.

Features of CIM:

  1. Flexibility in product, volume and material.
  2. Improved productivity and quality.
  3. Improved interface between design and manufacturing.
  4. Reduction in direct and indirect labour in various levels and functional units including middle management, engineering, administrative and operations support.
  5. High quality design which lead to good products
  6. High quality documentation and packages.
  7. Better standardization and better material utilization.
  8. Time and floor space savings.
  9. A common database which eliminates huge data storage by independent systems.
  10. Elimination of tedious, repetitive tasks and independent data storage.
  11. Reduction in inspection time and work force associated with it.
  12. Competitive advantage over competitors.
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