5 ways to utilize your holidays
1 Answer

We engineers get a total of 8 vacations right from the first day of first semester to the day we land a job. Which is, on an average, a total of 8-10 months of freedom from books, assignments, submissions and exams! Wow! And here are some ways in which you can make the best of this time, enjoying, relaxing, learning and maybe building up your resume side by side!

1. Intern

Lot of internship opportunities are available in the market today and you can find them by simply Google searching. You can always offer the companies or the start ups to work for free, and in return gain knowledge about the business processes and how companies function. And if you get a paid internship offer, nothing like it! An internship will not just add up to your resume, but will also be a great platform to learn.

2. Volunteer

Associate with a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) during your short vacations, and choose to spend time with children or the disabled or the senior citizens. Do this not to build up your resume, but to get a different slice of life altogether. :) See how lucky you are to be educated enough to be able to read this post, and offer a helping hand to the less privileged.

3. Explore your interests

You love dancing and haven’t ever joined a class? Or you have a good voice but need some vocal training? Interests, and oh we have so many! From learning how to cook, building websites, baking classes, acting schools, magic tricks, and yoga to singing, dancing and partying, the list never ends. Use this time to build on one or more of your interests, and experience the joy of learning.

4. Online certification programs

And there are so many. (Business foundations, creative writing, online marketing, game design, social media marketing, etc. to name a few). You will find certifications offered in almost every field today, it is just a matter of choosing. Google and you will find the answers. You can also take up courses in the field of your engineering studies, like robotics, website development, programming languages, etc. to build up your resume.

5. Quality time with family and friends

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Go on a mini vacation with your family or plan that trek trip with your friends which you all have been postponing. Travel. Make memories with your favorite people and cherish those for a lifetime.

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